Saturday, February 18, 2012



If you read many blogs, you know that periodically,there will be a wave of award giving among bloggers. I think it is a sweet way to acknowledge other bloggers, as well as introduce them to new bloggers. I received all of the following awards either here or when blogging on MySpace:

I felt all warm and fuzzy when I received each one of the awards. The only downside is that it comes with rules to tell some things about oneself, and then name new bloggers who will receive the award from you. Unfortunately for the rest of you, I am the weakest link…  

1. I get stumped when trying to list 5 to 10 “interesting” things about me that nobody already knows. I’m such an open book that my friends already know all there is to know about me and people I don’t know just don’t need to know…

2. I try to think of some new and clever things to say, but my muse simply will not cooperate. Although I may have occasional “clever” moments, I cannot make them happen. When they happen, they just happen. It’s no more than a brain fart…

3. My mind is best described as a whirlwind. The thinking just never stops. Like bad weather, one whirlwind will set off another whirlwind and then, before I know it, the original thought is lost while my muse pursues another line of thought. FYI – I’ve had some great ideas for short stories and blogs, but they also get lost in the whirlwind. I should make notes, but a whirlwind can move my mind in another direction while I’m reaching for pen and paper. I must be quick to capture thoughts before they get away! LOL

4. Lest I leave the impression that I am “dizzy”, I just want to share that I worked for the State of Florida for 36 years. I held some really complicated jobs. At least twice, after receiving promotions, I learned that those who landed in my old position could not handle the demands of the position; therefore, the duties had to be distributed over more employees. The same thing happened after I retired – or so I’m told. My mind was a clear asset during my career years. In fact, that is probably where my mind learned to whirl and twirl and dance around. It is not a disability. It is a gift.

5. Nonetheless, if my muse is not cooperating, a blog with intent to …

a. Acknowledge/thank the giver for the award

b. List “getting to know you” type of facts

c. Naming new bloggers for the award

d. Posting the new blog

just never gets done….. That is all…

6. So…I break the chain. I do the same with chain email and most other chain type activities. On the social sites that I have been known to haunt, I do not repost photos of sick or missing children because some of those children are teens or young adults now…or a hoax. I’m pretty sure some big name company did not give a dollar for surgery for every time a child’s photo was reposted. I do not forward every “cute” email because I’m pretty sure that everybody else has seen that same mail more than once, as I have too. I am not “ashamed” to not pass on the religious emails, nor do I believe that the Lord is “ashamed” of me. I detest mudslinging political messages. I have been blunt enough that most people know better than to send that junk to me and the ones who still do are only trying to get a reaction out of me. I give them none because it is clearly a waste of time. People who are going to hate are simply going to hate. I can’t change that. But I can do my part by not spreading the malicious propaganda. Nope, I don’t jump on that bandwagon… And you know all those petitions for this and that? I figure that the person who sent it to me and 49 other people will just have to rely on those other 49 people to keep it going. Yup…I’m the weakest link.

If I leave the impression that I am thoughtless and rude, well then…that is the impression I leave. I have often said that there is a party in my head and I like it there. This is a true statement. It is wonderfully fun in my head, so if something is not fun for me, I just jump right over it with little or no conscience. If that offends, just sue me….

So….all that said… I thank whoever bequeathed awards to me. I would thank you each by name, but I honestly forgot who all have given awards, so rather than name a few and miss a few, I choose to simply thank you all. You know who you are. I hope I thanked each of you on your blog. If I didn’t, well then I just didn’t see it…which is another of my character flaws, but that is a whole ‘nother blog…

I miss MySpace. It was so easy to drop an award on someone without conditions. The unexpected award said… “I like and appreciate you and/or your blog.” It was a delightful surprise to find an award in the blog comments.  The award didn’t come with conditions… I miss that.

Since it is apparent that I break all the rules, I think I will make my own award and new rules. Here’s the award:



And here are MY rules:

1. If you like awards, please take this award if I have ever left a comment on one of your blogs that made you feel all warm and fuzzy. Or if you even think I did and it must have been deleted by the internet gremlins… DO take it and display it proudly.  I’m sure I would have given it to you anyway.

2. You DO NOT have to share a single thing about yourself unless you want to.

3. I suggest NOTHING that should leave one with the impression that a reciprocal action is expected.

4. I name NO ONE but I do want to share some links to some great bloggers who I have found outside of my usual blogging circles. I enjoy these blogs. I may or may not have made my presence known to the blogger. I simply enjoy them… I hope you will too.

5. If you like finding new bloggers, I hope you will share some links too.

Don’t be the weakest link!  That is my title….


  1. Thanks Darlene and you double as tech support as well. I like Stumble upon for laughs.

    1. I am a member of Stumble Upon, but I only connect blogs there. I should spend some time at that site and see what's going on.

      I don't know much about computers, but I can find my way around stuff on the internet pretty well. I really know little to not much... I just happened to know the answer about how to get rid of that darn captcha! LOL

  2. Hey there Darlene, I snatched up that cool looking typewriter blog badge in a heartbeat! ;-) I am like you, in some of the fundamental ways in which you like to interact. Most of my friend KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that if they post something that says "repost to your status or else..." I WON'T... I despise chain mail, or any type of thing that the intent is to manipulate through guilt tactics, or require a sheeple mentality to comply with.

    I love the awards, but I would prefer to give them out individually to the people that they fit. That's why I started Blog Badges, so that I could make them according to specific traits of bloggers I came across. No requirements, but to enjoy them! I like it... and I like this badge... and I like you!

    1. Ohhh....Thank you!!! Now you made me feel all warm and fuzzy..

      It sounds like we are kindred spirits. Ya think? LOL

      When we were all on Myspace, I hosted BFF there too. From the start and until things got so bad that everyone was leaving, I made an award for whoever posted the first BFF blog per inspiration. It made people feel special to receive that "1st BFF" award. They were stupid looking at first, but as we went along, I learned to make nicer awards that either were crafted to go along with the blog inspiration or that plus something personal for that person. We had a way larger group on Myspace. Sadly, we all splintered off and found niches in other places. I get around and see people I know on different sites. Last night I was visiting Gather and saw some old Myspace bloggers there. But, the upside of it all is that I have met some new and wonderful people via facebook writing groups. You are one of them. I like you too and am happy to call you friend. I'm glad you like the award. It's pretty amateurish, but it will do.... LOL

  3. Thank you for mentioning my blog Screwed Up Texan! One mostly unknown thing about me is that I am double jointed and can contort myself --makes for great amusement!

    1. LOL... My Mom was also double jointed. She could almost bend her elbow the other way. I didn't get that gene.

      I do enjoy your blogs. I know I don't comment much, but I do read most of them. I get behind... I'm behind on my google reader more than 200 blogs right now. I tried trimming them down on my reader, but after I delete the ones I am not interested in, they pop up on my list again the next day. I gave up...

  4. I think you have hit it directly on the head my friend! I have (yep I'm admitting it) ignored a couple of awards because I just didn't want to do the follow up! I like awards for work done, no strings. Make me laugh and maybe you'd get a "hardy har har" award. Make me cry and look for the "Kleenex" award. You know? That's just fun. K~ has the right idea with her cute badges.

    As always, well done ♥.

    1. Yes, she does have the right idea. I wish we could leave them in blog comments like we did on Myspace. That would be awesome! We can, of course, leave them on each other's facebook walls, but our non-blogging friends will see them and say "HUH???"... LOL

  5. Darlene, you are anything but the weakest link. I agree with everything you said here. It would be so much more fun to give awards based on how we react to a particular post and not because we are obligated to. I understand the purpose of wanting to introduce people to new blogs but I still would like awards to be no strings attached. You still rock! ♥

    1. But, I AM a weak link....hahaha I break the chains!

      Thank you for your sweet comments. I hope to find and introduce more bloggers. I like wandering outside of my circles to meet new people.

  6. Darlene, I don't think you're the weakest link at all :-) I know what you mean about the party in your head. I thought I was the only one :-) I love your award, and will display it proudly on my blog :-)

    1. You have parties in your head too??? AWESOME!!! I love that I stay so entertained without even trying. You are the only other person I ever met who has parties in your head too. We are truly kindred spirits! I am so glad to have met you.

      Did you have fun @ Disney? I hope you enjoyed our weather when you were here. I bet it was a really nice change for you and your family and made for a great vacation.

  7. Hey, Darlene--good for you for breaking the "rules". I often want to but don't always have the nerve, lol. Like those chain emails; I've gotten better at ignoring them now than I used to be. It especially bugs me to get one from a "friend" that says something like, "if I don't get this back I can take a hint." Like I'm not their friend anymore if I don't return a silly email. I got a photo on Facebook recently that I love--it's a gravestone with an epitaph that says "Died from not forwarding that email to ten friends"! And I love your new rules--those are ones it will be easy to keep. Interesting to see these new blogs listed. I'll check them out! Oh, and you might think you don't have anything interesting to say about yourself, but this post told me a lot about you, and I'm glad to know you!

  8. I miss the old Myspace too, but I think most of us have found our own 'better places' now. All that re-posting statuses and chain-mail used to get me too, but that's probably because I hate doing as I'm told.


  9. We need to take action on Darlene's frank post! I think most people agree!! As a relatively new blogger (haven't yet been around even one year) I really do appreciate the affirmation the award bring to my writing. Starting a blog was a big step for me...for reasons I can't now remember. love the awards and love that those more experienced than I think enough of me to pass them along to me. That said, gosh, I don't have much computer time, and following through with award requirements is very difficult. Then my guilt kicks in, and, well, it just isn't pretty. Lol.

    Thank you for writing this!!

  10. Award giving is a nice gesture, but accepting them can be time consuming. I'm guilty of thanking the blogger for the award, then doing nothing with it. I barely have time to write my posts.


  11. Darlene - I think you shared all sorts of info without even trying. Your writing speaks for who you are and the generous nature of your heart!Thanks for posting, you wild, rule-breaking woman!

  12. Oh Wow! SUE503 doesn't get out much, so thank you for thinking of it and sharing the link : ) I have to admit this is my kind of award and I love the badge!!

  13. Great as always, Darlene. I can identify with #'s "2" &"5" myself. I consider all my blogs "brain farts", the best ones I write are much quieter and stink less! As for muses, I think I have one but my muse insists that she's "a friend with benefits"! Go figyah! =)

  14. Darlene, I love your honesty! I too, am the weakest link, when it comes to not "reposting if you agree" and I don't forward messages to numerous amounts of people. I am also the weakest link when it comes to commenting about politics. I have no desire to debate or argue on FB! Your whirlwind of thoughts make for great writing! I just might pick up this award if I can figure out how to do it! lol

  15. Darlene, I've given you The Irresistibly Sweet Award! If you would like, pick it up on my blog:

    I've really enjoyed your blogs!

  16. Thank you so much for mentioning me! xoxo

  17. Well here is a link to my blog for anyone who wants to read my rambles... lol

    By the way I loved you over at Myspace... n I love here!..
    I do miss Myspace too!!!

  18. Excellent way to go Darlene. I'll be back to check out your recommendations. Have a marvelous day!
