I thought I would be lame, as usual, and skip yet another blog topic. HEY! I have a busy retirement here… LOL But, my friend Jo got me to thinking when she made a list of her hopes and dreams. I like lists! When I make lists, I never know what I will drag out of the depths of my mind and heart. So…it is with anticipation on my own part that I begin my list because I really don’t know at this point what will be on my “hope” list…
~ my husband and I have many more years of life together.
~ our good health will continue.
~ I never slip into depression again.
~ my sisters & my daughters have so much happiness and love that their cups run over.
~ the economy improves so that every person who wants a job will have a job.
~ I can get through this election year without losing any more friends.
~ after the elections, our elected officials actually roll up their sleeves and get to work for the good of our nation and without political prejudice. (I DO realize that is a fantasy… But, this IS MY wish list. LOL)
~ I will find the dedication it would take to sort my fiction short stories and select a few for an e-book. I would be happy to write just one book and really wouldn’t care if people bought it or Amazon offered it for free. I just want to feel the “accomplished” feeling in that arena.
~ our shutterbug blog friends will enjoy the new BFF weekly challenge. Oops! Did I just leak something? LOL
~ I find my way out of my blog rut…
~ we have another quiet hurricane season.
~ that mercy and grace will overrule my cynical side
~ the Lord meets all the needs of those He loves
~ peace and harmony rule my world
~ I can find it within me to part with most of this stuff I have collected for a lifetime. My needs are small and I don’t need half of what I own.
~ my donated things bless others who have needs
~I don’t die before I simplify my possessions. I don’t want anyone to have to do this because I didn’t do it while I am alive. It is too hard to sort and dispose of a loved one’s belongings. It is now 3 ½ years since the death of my Mom and I’m still trying to get through her stuff. I don’t want my family having to deal with the same conflict of heart/sentiment vs. reason.
~ that I can always find HOPE…
Nuff said…I think…
Darlene Cirinna
May 6, 2012